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Thor by Kieron Gillen Ultimate Collection TP
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Kieron Gillen
Çizer: Billy Tan, Richard Elson, Doug Braithwaite, Jamie McKelvie, Niko Henrichon
Loki has woven his intricate scheming throughout every level of Thor's existence. From Asgard to Oklahoma, from Latveria to Hell, the Trickster has involved the likes of Dr. Doom, Hela, Norman Osborn and even Mephisto to meet his sinister goals. But when his plans spiral out of control - culminating in the Siege of Asgard and the return of an ancient evil so terrible it means certain disaster to even speak its name - it's up to Thor and his fellow Asgardians to save the day. But who, if anyone, will save Loki? And what soul-saving part does Dani Moonstar of the New Mutants have to play? All this and more by one of today's most celebrated Asgardian chroniclers, fan-favorite scribe Kieron Gillen! Collecting THOR (1966) #604-614, SIEGE: LOKI and NEW MUTANTS (2009) #11.
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312 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
524,85 TL

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