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War of Kings: Road to War of Kings
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Dan Abnett, Andy Lanning, Andy Schmidt, Christopher Yost, Michael Hoskin
Çizer: Paul Pelletier, Bong Dazo, Frazer Irving, Dustin Weaver, Paco Diaz, Rick Magyar, Joe Pimentel, Jaime Mendoza, Victor Olazaba, Vicente Cifuentes
The X-Men have been defeated. Havok , Polaris and the Starjammers are being held and tortured in the most secure prison in the universe. Marvel Girl, Korvus and Lilandra are being hunted by the Imperial Guard. Vulcan is Emperor of the Shi’Ar Empire and his expansion has begun. No King will stand when Vulcan and his armies are done. Do not miss the book that will change the shape of the Universe and pave the way for the War of Kings. Also, The Secret Invasion may be over, but the Inhumans are still reeling from the terrible wounds inflicted on them by the Skrulls. And this time, the Royal Family and their massively powered people have been pushed too far! You have never seen the Inhumans like this – and it’s only the beginning! Plus: How will the empire-expanding Vulcan react to these recent universe-shaking developments? Collecting X-MEN: KINGBREAKER #1-4, SECRET INVASION: WAR OF KINGS, WAR OF KINGS SAGA and “THE HOLE” from X-MEN: DIVIDED WE STAND #2.
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176 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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