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War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery (2019) #1 (of 5) (Valerio Schiti Regular Cover)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Clint McElroy, Justin McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Travis McElroy
Çizer: Andre Araujo
The creators of the blockbuster podcast The Adventure Zone bring their talents to Marvel for a wild romp through THE WAR OF THE REALMS! Earth is at war, besieged by an army of Frost Giants, Trolls and Fire Goblins - and the mighty Thor is nowhere to be found! But could it be that the key to turning the tide is...Thor's baby sister? Journey into Mystery with Spider-Man (Miles Morales), Hawkeye (Kate Bishop), Wonder Man, and Balder the Brave as they go on an epic quest to save Earth's only hope! (And, yes, deal with diaper duty.)
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32 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce
59,85 TL
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War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery (2019) #1 (of 5) (Valerio Schiti Regular Cover) hakkındaki yorumlar;

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