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War of the Realms: Journey Into Mystery (2019) #4 (of 5) (Valerio Schiti Regular Cover)
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Clint McElroy, Justin McElroy, Griffin McElroy, Travis McElroy
Çizer: Andre Araujo
PLACE YOUR BETS - ON SURVIVAL! When Balder the Brave's unofficial babysitter's club runs out of cash in Nevada, they hit on a foolproof plan: a casino heist! They just have to disguise a few famous heroes, a cyborg, an Asgardian god and a talking dog to do it. With the luck of baby Laussa on their side, nothing could go wrong! Unless of course they stumble upon...a convention of SUPER VILLAINS? What the heck, Nevada. Looks like the heroes will need a miracle in the desert to get out of this one!
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59,85 TL
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