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X-Factor Vol. 07: Time and a Half
[Marvel Comics - Marvel Universe]
Yazar: Peter David
Çizer: Valentine De Landro, Marco Santucci, Pat Davidson, Patrick Piazzalunga, Craig Yeung
As the world’s only mutant detective agency, X-Factor Investigations welcomes all cases. No mystery is too weird for Jamie Madrox, a.k.a Multiple Man, and his crack team of strangely gifted compatriots. But while fighting to save the planet and the remnants of the decimated mutant race, the members often neglect the problems in their personal lives. When this negligence leads to a heartbreaking loss, the team splinters. While Siryn throws herself into a difficult new case involving assassination and a seeming time paradox, Madrox has a different agenda. After relinquishing his leadership, Multiple Man begins a journey to find the answers he needs to feel whole again. His quest brings him to the scene of an unlikely crime, where a chance encounter with a crazed gunman and a familiar priest results in a reunion with someone he thought lost forever. What follows is a battle in a strange land, a rebellion whose repercussions may just change the course of mutant history. Is Madrox up to the task at hand? Or has his losing streak just begun? Collecting X-FACTOR #39-45.
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168 sayfa | Renkli | İngilizce | Softcover Cilt
299,85 TL

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