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Batman Noir: The Dark Knight Returns Deluxe Edition HC
[DC Comics - DC Universe]
Yazar: Frank Miller
Çizer: Frank Miller, Janson Klaus
For the first time, DC Comics collects Frank Miller's unforgettable Dark Knight epic in black and white! It is ten years after an aging Batman has retired, and Gotham City has sunk into decadence and lawlessness. Now, as his city needs him most, the Dark Knight returns in a blaze of glory. Joined by Carrie Kelly, a teenaged Robin, Batman takes to the streets to end the threat of the mutant gangs that have overrun the city. And after facing off against The Joker and Two-Face for the final time, Batman finds himself in mortal combat with his former ally, Superman, in a battle that only one will survive.

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208 sayfa | Siyah Beyaz | İngilizce | Hardcover Cilt
524,85 TL

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